Water Pressure Boosting

Water Pressure Boosting


If the water pressure in your house, flat, domestic or commercial property is not performing as you would expect, you may need to consider giving it a boost.

Water Bye-laws specifically exempt you from installing any pump to your incoming main. There is an exemption for pumps ‘up to’ 12 l/min but this is not guaranteed and still relies on your mains being capable of delivering this volume. To put this into context, a single shower typically requires between 9-15 l/min

Pump Warehouse supply a range of quiet running professional pumping solutions for increasing water pressure and flow rates where the mains supply is insufficient to meet the demand. What ever the size of your property, we are here to help you meet the requirements you need.

Boosting Domestic Water Pressure

If the water pressure in your house, flat or other domestic property is not performing as you would expect, you may need to consider giving it a boost with one of our specially designed water boosting pump packages.

The Powertank Water Boosting Range
Sentinel Water Boosting Sets

Boosting Commercial Water Pressure

If you own a commercial property such as a hotel, b&b or flats and the water pressure is not performing as you would expect, you may need to consider giving it a boost with one of our specially designed water boosting pump packages.

The Powertank water boosting range
The Flow Water Booster Sets

We're here to help, call or email us
Call 01827 59595 or Email [email protected]